
Feedback from listeners and participants:

“Hugely inspirational! I am in awe of how the magic of being in this storytelling space has worked so powerfully, simultaneously answering many deep, important questions that needed addressing in my own life whilst also shining a light on my path of performance and storytelling with its many guides ready to assist me, standing by. What a beautiful marvellous weave, thank you! It is a great joy to learn from you and I hope to be back again!”


“I am taking away the magic that can happen when you free your imagination. Thank you so much for unlocking that for us today. I leave more free and more courageous.”


“I take away “the wonder/magic/power of stories, ability to use them in our souls, our experience, our humanity. The questions they inspire that lead my back to my values.”


“Awesome animated Hannah, keep trusting your instinct/higher power when it comes to the direction of the session: it works and it means the session fits the participants perfecting. You’re attracting an amazing gang of people, keep doing it.”


“Thank you for a lovely day. The discussions were profoundly enjoyable and you gave us much food for thought. Your telling of Finist the Bright Falcon was wonderful – I especially like the way you handled all the things that came in threes, making it different every time. The story of meat without salt is something I will use when I need to have a difficult conversation with someone I care about or challenge people I like when there is something we disagree about. Thanks again for a brilliant day.”


“This was a gorgeous adventure. A day of deep and meaningful enquiry. I go away nourished and hopeful that there are resources to be found in this wild forest called life. This is wonderful work you are doing, blessed work. Stories and their medicine for guidance and help.”

I’m full gratitude for the most magical weekend that you dreamed up and then made come to fruition!


It is still with me, in its deepest, wildest magic, in my being within the deep currents, within the parts where there is no difference between know and not-knowing. 


It was extraordinary!


Absolutely loved The Handless Maiden, told so beautifully.  Thank you!


What did you enjoy about Stories for the Heart?


Everything the stories stirred up inside me. Anger, frustration, hope, forgiveness and acceptance.


It was such a wildly imaginative and embodied space for us to dream together with all the parts of ourselves, with each other, and with all the other parts of nature.


I enjoyed the opportunity to explore stories with women in a relaxed way that felt simultaneously full and spacious.


Great to have a whole weekend to share love of stories with other local people.


What did the weekend give you?


Confidence and inspiration.


It nurtured my imagination and creativity, my love of stories and my wonder at their power and the mystery they hold, my trust of that mystery - all of this in such an embodied way, and as part of nature. So, my imagination and creativity was ‘felt’ imagination and creativity.


Confirmation that I love collectively exploring a story - weaving the personal with others’ experiences.


What stays with you?


How being with a rich cluster of women felt. 


Han’s passionate and bright-burning love of stories, and following of this path! This was infectious and inspiring. Having this time with stories has re-strengthened my love and trust of stories, and my hope of what they can bring when we share them, and what a beautiful and vital role they can hold in our lives - and what a beautiful and vital they can hold in my life, if I nurture that love.


Immersing myself in story and nature and body in this way, re-strengthened my belief in stories - in my life and in my practice with others.


A feeling of nourishment and well-being.


An interest in stories and the gifts they bring to us. Also playing games and sharing in a huddle as the thunder and lightning and torrential rain happened! Sheltering under the tarp all together.  It was wild and elemental! Also telling a story to each other in pairs also in the rain!


How did you find the way the weekend was held? 


It was perfect. No obligation or must haves. Maybe this wouldn't have worked with a different group of characters but for us it worked really well. 


Gorgeously. I felt the facilitator had this wildly abundant supply of stories ready to come in when they wanted to! I loved the shape of the weekend, and how you offered practices to support us into feeling safe enough with each other, ourselves and the space, to start bringing all the parts of ourselves.


I thought the pace of the weekend was wonderful. You did that magical thing of offering us a beautiful structured process, then going with our process as we followed that, giving us so much space to expand and explore within it. I didn’t feel rushed or restricted at all. For me there was a feeling of ease.


I felt you were so responsive to the group and what we needed and where we were.


I felt you held it beautifully - somehow deeply present, caring, warm, inclusive while also being light, allowing, trusting and permissioning of each of us to honour our own needs.


You built a strong container of safety and permission.


When you think about the weekend, what image would you give to describe how it feels for you now?


A coven of kind nurturing women round a cauldron of medicinal stories. Stirring up kindness and hope for each other and to the far reaches of the sky and land. 


A burning fire, with humans, trees, insects, creatures, plant beings gathered round, and in the flames images dance.


Singing together from a soft-feathered nest.


The image is of a tribe/village gathering together to share food and stories around the fire.


"So wonderfully woven together, so warmly and lively told, thank you."

"Beautiful, fresh retelling of old tales"

"Wonderful weaving of stories together to make a bigger, wider, wiser whole, supplemented by the rapport between you both. Thanks, Jan"

"magical evening, transported to far away places"

"wonderful stories beautifully woven and told with feeling and a touch of magic"

"enthralling woven stories, hope to catch you again, thank you so much for coming!"

The Loving Wolf

What did you enjoy about the session?

How engaging it was and self reflecting

The story. The heart. the connection. The chance to reflect.

Hannah's stories

Very creative, great storytelling


 What will you take away from the session?

The importance of being kind to ourselves and being mindful of others stories

Acknowledging both wolves in me and everyone else

The Soldier Story

The power of storytelling and metaphor


 Would you recommend the session? 

100% of answers = yes

If yes or maybe, who might you recommend it to?

Everyone !

Colleagues and friends

My organisation

Every employer, every recovery group, every relationship help centre, every everyone everywhere.

Restorative Approaches in Bristol

Feed the Wolf

How did the day make you feel?


Liberated - joyful - happy

Understood and helped with some self compassion

Alive, stimulated by the content and the people, and willing to have new perspectives

What did you enjoy and why?

Taking lovely people through a lovely journey

Dancing - freeing Circle sharing - safe Food - yummy Walk and camera - mindful Meeting you both - inspiring

I liked walking in and immediately it feeling like a safe space with like-minded souls

The dancing (especially the ceilidh dance) because it took me outside the preoccupations in my mind; the 2 wolves story because it felt very apt for a situation I am navigating; finding an object in the cemetary because I love the synchonicity of what nature/the world presents to me in an exercise like this. The food because it was delicious. The group because it felt safe and companionable. The brilliant way the two facilitators held the day.


Would you recommend a Feed the Wolf event?  

100% = yes


If yes/maybe, who might you recommend it to?


Anyone locally who is like minded

Female friends of a similar age to me

People who come to my storytelling events; friends; other storytellers.